de Toledo sophomore Neev Efrat drops his album Zooben on Soundcloud.
Neev Releases Album
Prowler Opinion Editor Ariel Esmailzadeh speaks to de Toledo sophomore Neev Efrat about the release of his album Zooben on Soundcloud and single “Wondrous Way” on Spotify:
Listen to the full podcast interview here:
- What inspired you to start making music?
- What was the reason behind not using words in your songs?
- Do you make your own beats, and if asked to perform being that there are no words, would you be saying the same things during a live performance?
- Who do you imagine your audience to be for such a unique style of music?
- What type of artist would you most relate to, and do you have anyone that you look up to when it comes to music?
- How has the music affected your social life?
- What genre of music do you most associate with and listen to most?
- Has there ever been a time where you felt like there was no point to making music?
- Why, if so, did you continue?
- What would you like to say to your fans who will be listening to this interview?