5 Delicious Tofu Dishes
While to some, tofu is arguably the most difficult food to work with, I have found that tofu can actually be very versatile, if you know what to do with it. Freshmen year, when I discovered I could no longer eat meat products, I turned to tofu as a main source of protein. After finding easy ways to cook tofu that pleased both my stomach and taste buds, I decided it was time to find ways in which I could incorporate tofu into larger meals. While you can substitute tofu for meat in really any circumstance, I have five top tofu meals that I prepare myself: Tofu Tacos, Pasta with Tofu, Tofu Salad, Tofu scrambles, and my personal favorite, Tofu Stir Fry. These five ways of eating tofu, besides eating it plain, are the most fun ways to prepare and tastiest ways to eat this controversial food.