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The Prowler

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The student news site of de Toledo High School

The Prowler

The student news site of de Toledo High School

The Prowler

Israeli innovation created the Iron Dome 'from a place of desperation'
Cole Plager, Technology Editor • June 10, 2024

Over the years, Israel has established itself as a haven for technological innovation, fostering the creation of  many globally-used technologies...

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Lila Kessler (25) won second place in the annual Jewish Scholastic Journalism Awards for her opinion article Uniting in the face of hate. This is de Toledos second time winning a JSPA award and Kesslers first award for journalism.
Kessler wins 2024 Jewish Scholastic Journalism Award
Ella Schwartz, Managing Editor • April 19, 2024

When 290,000 people marched for Israel on Nov. 14, 2023, Lila Kessler('25), a new student at de Toledo High School, attended the Washington,...

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Sophomores Ethan N., Yotam G., and Shira L. read books quietly in The Den. de Toledos new library is a space where students can go to study quietly, check out books and relax.
The Den: de Toledo's new library excites students, promotes quiet study time
Ella Schwartz, Managing Editor • February 23, 2024

For 22 years, de Toledo High School students have studied in hallways, at lunch tables and while lying on the grass. Now, these students have...

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A map marks The United States, Hungary and Uruguay. This winter, 31 exchange students from Hungary and Uruguay are to join the de Toledo community for three weeks.
de Toledo to host exchange students from Uruguay and Budapest
Ella Schwartz, Features Editor • January 18, 2024

After a five year hiatus, the Uruguay exchange program is back in full swing. Not only will there be students from Uruguay on campus this winter,...

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Robotics team members won their first playoff match in team history in competition March 17-18, 2024, placing third out of 44 teams. (From left) Julian L. (25), Levi G-C (27), Micah S. (27), Oren Z. (27), Zach T. (27), Harrison B. (25), Seth G. (24), Lauren S. (24), Gabe N. (25), Zeve Z. (24), Uri C. (25), Rowan G. (26), Jake T. (27), Alex B. (26), and (center) Ben R. (25) - Photo courtesy of Jaguar Robotics
Jaguar Robotics team wins semifinals
Isabelle Fonck, News Editor • June 11, 2024

Lauren S. (‘24) joined robotics when her friend asked her to “because she didn't want to be the only girl” on the team.  One of only...

Maya, age 15, from Israel, near Gaza, talked with Prowler editor Max Bromberg during her time in Los Angeles Feb. 15, 2024: Maya is a fun and bubbly person, Max writes. We had a lot of fun making paper airplanes together. I did not know how, so she had to teach me. Hers was very good, while mine was not as good. Maya is funny, friendly, and talkative. There was never a silent moment when I was interviewing her; we were talking the whole time. I had a lot of fun talking with Maya, but we avoided the topic of war.
Israeli teens visit de Toledo
Liam Radd, Daniel Geft, and Max Bromberg February 25, 2024

Ayanna D., an Israeli teen who lives in a kibbutz near the Gaza strip, is visiting dTHS for two weeks (Feb. 15, 2024).
Israeli teen: 'The pressure they are putting on Israel to end the war is not justified'
Cole Plager, Technology Editor • February 24, 2024

Many months after the inception of the Israel Hamas war, I got the chance to sit down with a student who lives in the middle of it all: a small...

Seventeen-year-old Benny Weiss visits de Toledo through an exchange program (Feb. 15, 2024).
Benny Weiss: Pastry chef, aspiring IDF soldier
Ella Schwartz, Managing Editor • February 23, 2024

Buying a car at 14, working as a full-time pastry chef and having an older sibling in the army are not for the weak. Benny Weiss has lived...

May L., a 17-year-old high school senior living in Moshav Gea near Ashkelon on the Gaza border, is visiting de Toledo for two weeks (Feb. 15, 2024).
Israeli teen finds happiness when her 'whole family is together'
Isabelle Fonck, News Editor • February 21, 2024

May L. is a 17-year-old high school senior living in Moshav Gea near Ashkelon, near the Gaza Strip.  May along with several other Israeli high...

dTHS Person of the Year Coach Dan Schneider is also students favorite substitute teacher, say Prowler editors (Jan. 24, 2024).
dTHS Person of the Year: Coach Dan Schneider
Liam Radd and Isabelle Fonck January 25, 2024

The Prowler’s editorial team has voted Coach Dan Schneider as the dTHS Person of the Year. Coach Dan has been a coach at dTHS since 2020...

Martin Luther King, Jr. inspires students to raise their voices for peace and justice.
Freshman voices reflect on King's words
Contributing Writers January 22, 2024

"Somewhere we must come to see that human progress never rolls in on the wheels of inevitability. It comes through the time and persistent work...

Fans enjoy the fireworks show after a 7-3 Dodger win vs. the Reds at Dodger stadium (May 17, 2024).
Take me out to the ballgame
Kadyn McCafferty and Owen Kasif June 5, 2024

KADYN: The day was May 17 at Dodger Stadium. For sophomore Evan K.'s birthday, he invited me, Owen K. ‘26, Alec W. ‘26, Ryder H. ‘26,...

Daniel Geft (left) and Max Bromberg team up to talk sports.
Talkin' Sports: 2024 NFL Draft
Max Bromberg, Daniel Geft, and Ella Schwartz May 21, 2024

Prowler editors (standing, left-right) Liam R., author Ella S., Max B. and Daniel G. interview students in the dTHS lobby (March 29, 2024).
Opinion: Transfer student describes 'surprisingly smooth' transition
Ella Schwartz, Managing Editor • June 17, 2024

The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent the views of The Prowler. Switching schools...

Opinion: Graduating seniors worry about reproductive care
Alexis Gavin, Opinion Editor • May 17, 2024

The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent the views of The Prowler. As the class of...

Opinion: Making it out of O block
Kadyn McCafferty, Sports Editor • May 8, 2024

The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent the views of The Prowler. To get out of O Block,...

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The student news site of de Toledo High School