Love in 100 Words

An Ode to Blueberries, Charli d’Amilio, and Spring

The calm voice and bear hugs

My love for you is like the raging sea,

So powerful and deep it will Forever be,

Through storm, wind, and heavy rain

It will withstand every pain

The facetime phone calls

The funny laughs

The subtle messages you

Love me back

All I see is you and I

Everytime I pass you by

I’d like to feel nothing,

And get rid of the thrill.

I wish that I’d stop loving you,

But I don’t think I will.

Our hearts are so pure and love so sweet

I love you more with every heartbeat – Maddy Manenti, Student Life Editor


My love for the fruit of blueberries is oh so large.

I would buy countless packs of these berries, no matter how big the charge.

I eat endless packs of blueberries no matter the day,

when you are in my fridge, I always feel okay.

Your sweet and tart taste is oh so great,

but your beautiful blue color might be your best trait.

I could eat you every single day and still not feel queasy,

blueberries make eating healthy food feel easy.

Blueberries oh blueberries, you are by far my favorite food,

when I eat you, nothing can intrude. – Adam G., ’23


My love, Charli D’Amelio:

You are so beautiful, and I love you so.

My favorite dance by you is the Woah.

You have danced your way into my heart.

If you had not entered into my life, I would have fallen apart.

Your TikToks are nothing short of great.

I can’t fathom how you receive all this hate.

Unlike some, I know you deserve the hype. 

Whenever you showed up on my “for you” page my soul would ignite.

How I would love to be like you. When I see your gleaming eyes,

the butterflies in my stomach surely fly. – Wyatt R. ’23


Through freshly-bloomed cherry blossoms I see heaps of sunshine among the fresh breeze.

My favorite thing about Spring is the joy of long sunny days filled with a bundle

of outdoor activities. Brightly colored tulips and wild violets fill the sidewalks, bringing a

smile to my face. Among all of the beautiful flora I also enjoy the fauna. Bliss is seeing all

of the animals and critters soak up the warmth of the sun. Spring is a breath of fresh air

after cold, before summer heat. Clear blue skies and family times end my love list

dedicated to spring. – Bree C., ’23