Omicron Spreads Rapidly
Boosters Approved for Ages 12-15
Hospitals are filling up as Covid-19 surges through the U.S.
Pandemic records are setting new highs, with about 700,000 new cases a day.
Patients with COVID take up the ICU beds, filling the hospitals and making it hard for others to access emergency care.
Omicron brushed through the country like wildfire. Hospitals are having the worst staffing shortages since the start of the pandemic, and many doctors and nurses are testing positive. California officials worry as doctors and nurses contract the virus, and hospitals cancel surgeries and limit the 911 ambulance response time.
As of Feb. 1, 2022–890,770 people have died from Covid in the United States. There have been more than 5.6 million global death from the virus.
Although 65% of the U.S. population is fully vaccinated, according to Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Research Center–more than 211 million people–booster shots are necessary for creating immunity and for the safety of yourself and others. After five months of receiving the vaccine, it starts to wear off, so it’s vital to obtain the third shot to protect yourself from getting sick. The COVID vaccine is known to increase antibodies around ten times, according to
On Jan. 6., children ages 12 to 15 were approved to receive the booster shot. After six months, the COVID vaccine starts to wear off and begins to give you weaker protection, so getting the booster will add a stronger level of protection. Getting the vaccine will protect people from hospitalization and even death after getting COVID. It’s crucial to get yourself, and your family boosted to ensure that you stay healthy during the pandemic.

Alexis Gavin is a senior at de Toledo. She has been writing for The Prowler for four years, and is excited to continue writing about current events and...

My name is Enessa Epstein. I am a junior, and I am so excited for Journalism this year. I love writing, especially short stories and creative pieces. I...