Journalism Student Receives Unexpected Package
Technology Editor Cole Plager (’25) received a signed autograph from actor William Shatner after writing an article about the 90-year-old former Star Trek captain rocketing into space.
On Jan. 15, I got home after eating dinner and saw that there was a package in the mail. The envelope said it was from a production studio. When I opened the package, I was immediately greeted by the face of the oldest person to go to space, who as you may know from the article I wrote about commercial space travel, was actor William Shatner, one of the people who was able to experience it first. The photo had a message written on it in silver sharpie, saying “To Cole – My best – William Shatner.”
I took that photo out of the package, and when I did, it revealed another piece of paper underneath it. It looked like a long page of words, but I wasn’t sure exactly what it was. I glanced at the big text at the top of the page and saw that it was an article I HAD WRITTEN. Then it hit me: OMG. WILLIAM SHATNER SIGNED MY ARTICLE ABOUT HIM.

Cole Plager is a 16 year old Junior at de Toledo High School. He is interested in Cybersecurity and Technology. This year in Journalism, he will be writing...