We Must Help Gay People in Chechnya


Nevsky Prospect, Saint Petersburg

Activists in Saint Petersburg protest human rights violations in Chechnya.

Noam Haykeen, Prowler Columnist

Bullet after bullet, in a bloody nightmare, my grandfather witnessed Jews getting shot because of their faith. He observed the dark, disgusting evil in Nazis’ eyes. Stripped of his dignity, he was forced out of his home. He was placed on a train — without food, water or restrooms. The train had one small hole on its top to supply air for hundreds. Many died before even arriving at the camp.

As a Jew, I am taught to abide by the words “never again.” Since my grandfather suffered through one of the greatest tragedies in human history, the Holocaust, I am obligated to stand up for those facing injustice.

Late last month, the world commemorated Holocaust Remembrance Day — honoring the 11 million, including 6 million Jews, who perished in the face of wickedness. Out of respect for those lives lost, it is vital to discuss the atrocity happening in Chechnya, Russia.

In 2017, The New York Times reported that 100 gay men were arrested in Chechnya. They were electrocuted and beaten, and three did not survive.

For the first time since the days of Hitler, there are active concentration camps targeting homosexuals in Eastern Europe. Maxim Lapunov, one of the individuals cruelly taken to one of the camps, has reportedly expressed that he was abused to the extent that he was forced to fight his own partner.

According to the Russian Newspaper Novaya Gazeta people in the camps are ultimately killed or forced to leave the region. Also, men are tortured to reveal others in the community who are gay. And the Russian government is directly involved.

Putting myself in these people’s situation is practically impossible. Imagining being beaten, hit after hit — electrocuted, shock after shock — and even forced to fight the person I love, stripping myself of the dignity still left — is unthinkable. The misery is beyond human cruelty. And so, Russia must be punished for it.

While President Donald Trump is an unlikely figure to act harshly with Russia, given that his administration refused to implement sanctions against the country for meddling in our election, many Congresspeople do have the decency to stand up against injustices.

To begin, Congress needs to pass a law creating the opportunity for asylum for all who are affected by the Russian concentration camps. America, a country that symbolizes safety and equality, must offer an escape for those suffering the horrors Russia is causing.

Moreover, the legislative branch needs to establish a statute that creates a coalition, with the opportunity for foreign countries to join, that sanctions Russia on all fronts. The sort of ordeal that Russia causes gay people cannot be ignored. Justice needs to be served by stopping all forms of trade and business with the country.

My grandfather’s unfathomable experience during the Holocaust will be meaningless if it does not make us act when witnessing savagery. The words “never again” will become an empty slogan if we do not act against these Russian hostilities.