How To Cope With Being Cooped Up
Whether it’s lying in bed, staring at a screen, or taking a walk outside, we are all trying to cope with being quarantined.
It’s hard to be isolated for an extended amount of time, separated from your friends or, for some, separated from your families. Through these hard times, I urge you to make the most of this situation.
In my Wisdom class, Rabbi David Vorspan told us that “some of us have gears we never use.” Since quarantine and Rabbi Vorspan’s words I have been trying to do new things, which also plays a role in occupying myself from becoming unproductive and unmotivated.
Recently I tried to bake and made myself and my family some gluten free banana bread with chocolate chips. It was a success! It was delicious and I was proud of myself because I had never really tried baking before.
I also started to draw more and dig into my artistic side. I find drawing or just coloring something to be very relaxing and a great way for me to cope with what’s going on.
Last but not least, I have started to exercise more (if you can call it that), by doing Just Dance. Don’t underestimate the workout you will get from this game. It is both fun and it gets me moving.
However, I also have other days in quarantine where I have just been in bed staring at a screen.
Senior Ethan K. says he’s been “playing video games all day” and I think the situation is the same for most of us. If it’s not video games, it’s Netflix, and if it’s not that, it’s something else. It’s okay to have days like that, but try not to make every day like that. It’s good mentally and physically to go outside or do something different. I know sometimes it’s hard to find the motivation to do anything, but it’s what keeps each day from rolling into the next without you noticing.
Take each day at a time and make the best of the situation.

My name is Leila Wazana and I am a senior at de Toledo. This is my first year writing for The Prowler and I am excited about what I can contribute. I look...