Freshmen Adjust to Life in High School

By: Samuel Gubner

With the ninth grade retreat still fresh in my mind, and the memories of climbing a 10-foot-wall with the knowledge that my peers were below me, ready to catch me should I fall, I am looking forward to facing and overcoming even more challenges with my new classmates.

As we gradually move into the new-year, it is now time to face new teachers, make new friends, all while embracing a new school. In my previous experience, I had gone to a middle school where we scarcely used technology and where we did not have lockers. But here at dTHS, using computers is considered normal, and as for my locker situation, I can say that struggling to open it has made me late to class more than once.

However, I have also come a long way in only a few weeks of high school, and have had many successes throughout the beginning of my journey. I’ve asked myself, “What has been my favorite part of being a freshman so far?” Exploring new things, meeting new people, and exploring new interests, just to name a few.

Many of my classmates had similar responses and were happy to share what they had thought of their first few weeks of high school. “I had a great experience,” stated dTHS freshman Ronny Tal, “I got to meet new people and had the chance to bond with everyone. I hope the future ninth graders will enjoy the retreat as much as I did.” As for me, my 9th grade journey is far from over, and I look forward to experiencing everything that comes my way this year.