Kindness (A Collaborative Poem)
Kindness is the passing wave you give to that not-so-close friend of yours in the hallway
It’s the warmth of a really good hug
It’s the thoughtfulness of the text “heard this song and thought of you”
It’s the schnitzel your mom makes when you’re feeling down
It’s the compliments from respected superiors
It’s the protection of a held hand
It’s the bus driver’s “good morning” every day you walk up those entry steps
It’s the silly videos of pandas your Grandma emails you every once in a while
It’s the vulnerability of eyes meeting
Kindness is waiting to embrace you
In its moments of perfection
All you have to do

Hi! I’m Eliana Chasen. I’m a junior, and I’ll be writing for The Prowler this year. When busy procrastinating work for this class and others like...