New Leader Revealed in ‘Black Panther: Wakanda Forever’ Movie
After the 2020 passing of Chadwick Boseman, who played King T’Challa in all the previous “Black Panther” movies, there were many questions as to who would step into this main role for the new “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever.” Directed by Ryan Coogler, the movie generated lots of controversy, and fans had high expectations. This real-life controversy translated into controversy in the fictional politics of Wakanda.
Going into the film, we knew someone was expected to step up into the role of Black Panther and political leader of Wakanda, but we did not know who this character would be. It was between Queen Ramonda, the mother of King T’Challa, or Shurri, the sister of King T’Challa. While Ramonda was supposed to take control of the political duties, Shurri was expected to step into the big shoes left by her older brother in the fighting and Black-Panther part of his job.
This movie introduces new people from Talokan, an underwater city built after a demi-god named Namor. This new character becomes a villain because he is just trying to keep his city and people private and hidden from the world. However, because their city was beginning to be discovered, he decides to take over the world and restart the population of the rest of the world after his city and how they live. He then asks the Wakandans to either join him or be killed by him.
This decision repeats a common theme throughout the “Black Panther” movies, where they either choose to share their precious element vibranium or keep it hidden from the world.
This movie was very good but did not live up to the expectations put on it before its Nov. 2022 release. However, I would recommend this movie to any Marvel superhero movie fan!

Hi, I am Shaun Shpall. I am a senior at de Toledo High School. I am very excited to be writing in the Sports section of The Prowler. I love hanging out...