Mrs. Shpall Receives the Milken Family Foundation Jewish Educator Award


Moriah Pretsky and Melanie Anish

On Monday October 10, the community celebrated our very own 9th grade dean, Mrs. Shpall,  who has been honored with a Milken Family Foundation Jewish Educator Award.  According to the foundation’s website, the award recognizes “inspired excellence in the world of education by honoring top educators around the country with $25,000 unrestricted awards.”  The award is directed towards early-mid career educators for their accomplishments, achievements, and promising futures.  

Mrs. Shpall she said she “was completely shocked.  It was one of those things where they completely surprise you and I had no idea what was happening.”  

She is thankful for everyone whom she works with and supports her.  The feeling of being recognized for doing what you love is overwhelming and terrific, Mrs. Shpall explained.  

The community is really proud of Mrs. Shpall.  She is our second mom and biggest supporter.  From freshman year through senior year the student body can always depend on her for help, comfort and laughs.  

But Mrs. Shpall’s accomplishments and additions to our community don’t stop here.  For the future, she hopes to push for more health curriculum, get a rolling start on the senior mentor program and “raise up our students in really positive ways to being members of the society.”  

Mrs. Shpall also thanks her mentors from throughout the years.  One is Dr. Powell, who she met at camp and who has made a strong impact on her life.  He shared with her the teachings of Shlomo Bardin, whose vision is that “one must connect with students in order to teach them, otherwise you are just telling them stuff.”  Another is “Arthur Pinchev, who really set forth the way camp runs and how to teach and how to touch.”

Mrs. Shpall is a strong believer in connecting with her students and peers.  She shows others around her how to make a difference in the world of education for both teachers and students.  

Our dTHS community is very proud of her and can’t wait to see how she continues to inspire others.