Can Zodiac Signs Predict Your Future?
Birth charts are a huge part of who we are. I was skeptical at first–until I read more about it. According to BBC, scientists have found out that your birth chart can predict your future.
There are many TikToks that explain what each part of your chart means. For example, the Sun sign, which is the most common, is your basic personality. It’s how others see you.
Mine is Gemini.
I’ve always been super interested in my zodiac sign, but I never looked past my basic horoscope.
There are multiple houses in your chart. Each house represents a different part of your life. For example, the first house represents self appearances, and the tenth house represents career and long-term goals. The different placements of your houses can determine how many children you will have and their genders.
One of the scariest moments is when you read your horoscope, and it fits your exact situation.
There have been many times when my horoscope told me exactly what I needed to hear: I tend to let people walk all over me, and this has been happening a lot recently. My friend (who had gotten super invested in astrology) read me my horoscope, and it literally said, “You can’t let others bring you down,” and told me to stand up for myself. It was so weird. I felt like someone was in my head.
I think that the universe will tell me what it wants me to hear, and any type of advice that I feel I can relate to, I should take it. I usually only turn to my horoscope or online tarot cards when I don’t like the advice others are giving me. Usually, it’s the same advice, but having it come from a computer that knows nothing about me makes it feel like fate.
I’m a huge believer in ‘everything happens for a reason.’ It’s your decision if you want to believe it or not.
Zodiac signs can be used as a way to guide you. They can help you relate a lot to what’s going on around you. Zodiac signs can show you a lot about yourself.
“I tend to really connect with my astrological sign and see a lot of it in my personality,” said Maddy M. ( ‘23).
On TikTok, many people post, “If you are seeing this, it’s a sign for you.” I rarely see these types of posts, but when I do, it’s exactly what’s going on in my mind.
Another mind-reading source I found through social media is personality quizzes. My friends and I have all taken so many. Our whole group chat is just screenshots of our results and links to new quizzes.
For this article, I asked them to take the “Pooh Pathology Test.” Winnie the Pooh and his friends all represent different medical conditions, from anxiety to depression. Pooh’s character has Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). One friend reported back: “It didn’t help me notice anything specifically; however, it’s interesting to see how things I deal with in my life can be characterized as ADD and/or other mental illnesses.”
These quizzes were all taken for fun. Mental illness is not a joke and should not be taken lightly. Please do not self-diagnose or use these quizzes as a way to diagnose yourself. See a healthcare professional or call 1-800-273-TALK if you need help.

Hi! I'm Shiran Leib, and I'm a junior. I'm super excited to write for The Prowler! I've always had a passion for reading and writing stories about anything...
Angela Neff • Mar 1, 2021 at 7:58 am
I have always found the impact of Astrology on my life interesting. I did not know that being a perfectionist was part of being a Virgo (my sign) until I was in college. I did not like this image of myself at first and did not think I was a perfectionist either. In fact, I was not! Then as a professional, I thought “Yeah, I want to be a perfectionist”so I started to own it. But was it part of who I was born to be or did the suggestion open the door to me finding that part of me? I may never know. But you can see from my imperfect writing that I am not at my core a perfectionist, I am more of a pragmatist. Is there a sign for that?
Ms. Neff